But the payoff was typically worth it, especially in the Myst series, as there was a narrative for you to decipher. There’s always been the joy of that “A-HA!” moment when you figure out the solution, as you’re then faced with another problem. Despite my lack of skills, adventure titles, as well as puzzle games in general have served as one of my favorite genres over the years. I didn’t understand the intricacies of the world, or how to solve most of the puzzles by myself. While I was still unsure of how we discovered all the solutions to Myst, I mentioned Riven every chance I got in the hopes of receiving it as a gift. I eventually made a friend that also enjoyed the game because of his dad, and found out they had released a sequel. I played it with my older brother and learned the secrets of the world with each visit we made to our grandparents’ house. The FMVs were off-putting, but in a good way. The environments were haunting, and the story was creepy. I was very young when I first encountered Myst, and I was blown away by it. Obduction isn’t Myst VI, but rather a spiritual successor to the series. With the likes of Myst in 1993, Riven in 1997, and Myst V: End of Ages in 2005, it was beyond time for Cyan Worlds to create a new adventure. The latter of the two recently had a fairly successful Kickstarter for a game in the vein of what made them so popular. Rare did it for platformers on Nintendo, and Cyan Worlds did it with puzzle adventures on PC. Rare did it for platformers on Nintendo, and Cyan Worlds did it with puzzle Every now and then, there comes a developer that defines a genre. Every now and then, there comes a developer that defines a genre.